FacePop es la nueva aplicación para Mac que permite de utilizar Facebbok con facilidad.
Con FacePop no es necesario utilizar el browser para acceder a Facebook.
FacePop permite el uso de todas las funciones de Facebook: chat, enviar mensajes, videos, fotos, etc.,
Sólo un clic y todo lo que ya haces en tu browser estará disponible en FacePop.

Facepop Features:

- Instantly accessing;

- Less consumption of system resources;

- Fully supported chat;

- No advertisements;

- Icon dock notifications;

- Always up window: you can use all your application and FacePop will remain in front of you;

- Notification: FacePop will play sound when something happen in your account. There are 3 kind of notification: Friend request, Message, Notification. You can choose different sound for each kind of notification;

- Popover or Window mode: You can choose between two different way to use FacePop;

- Resizable window and PopOver;

- Available in secure mode;

- Screenshot;

- Fullscreen;

- Ghost mode;

Legal note:
Facepop is a 3rd party application for Facebook and is in no way endorsed or affiliated with Facebook Inc.
Facebook and the Facebook Logo are trademarks of Facebook Inc.